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Nel volume di chiusura della serie, Liam e Rose si ritrovano, ancora una volta, a viaggiare nel tempo e nello spazio. Stavolta sono intrappolati in un enorme labirinto, sotto un sole cocente, e un terribile mostro sta dando loro la caccia. Cosa succede quando i due amici si trovano faccia a faccia con il Minotauro? E qual è il mistero che si nasconde dietro Dedalo, l'uomo che ha creato il labirinto? Unisciti a Liam e Rose nel loro difficile tentativo di distinguere il mito dalla realtà sull'isola di Creta.


Registrazione in inglese britannico

 Language Learner Literature Award - FINALIST
Language Learner Literature Award - FINALIST

In 2004, the Extensive Reading Foundation established the Language Learner Literature Award for graded readers in English. The Award aims to support the development of language learner literature in English, and to encourage extensive reading in language education.
These awards are conferred each year on books that are selected for their outstanding overall quality and likely enduring appeal. An international jury makes the final choices, taking into account the Internet votes of students, teachers and others from around the world.

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 Language Learner Literature Award - FINALIST
Language Learner Literature Award - FINALIST

In 2004, the Extensive Reading Foundation established the Language Learner Literature Award for graded readers in English. The Award aims to support the development of language learner literature in English, and to encourage extensive reading in language education.
These awards are conferred each year on books that are selected for their outstanding overall quality and likely enduring appeal. An international jury makes the final choices, taking into account the Internet votes of students, teachers and others from around the world.

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Helbling Readers Red Series
Helbling Readers Red Series

è una collana che comprende una selezione di classici adattati e fiction originale, ideali per avvicinare gli studenti della Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado al piacere della lettura.

Helbling Readers Red Series

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